CIE Global to Participate in UNESCO International Conference

On the official invitation of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) and the Ministry of Education Mexico, CIE Global team participated in the UNESCO International Conference which took place from 28 to 30 September 2015 in Mexico City. Over 650 participants from 95 Member States came together with the common aim of ensuring that lifelong learning becomes a driver of social, economic and environmental sustainability in cities throughout the world. The Conference gave participants an opportunity to share best practice, and, most importantly, to look to the future.


Speakers from a wide range of backgrounds were invited to take the floor during the Opening Ceremony. These speakers shared their interest in strengthening learning cities around the world in order to enhance global citizenship, health and peaceful coexistence. They also highlighted the important role that learning cities can play in achieving all of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that had recently been adopted by the United Nations General Assembly.

‘We can define and create a better future and sustainable development through partnership and innovation.’

Dr D K Saraswat - Chair, CIE Global

‘Societies can only develop sustainably if we all learn how to live responsibly.’

Qian Tang - Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO

‘UNESCO has our support and cooperation towards implementing and achieving the SDGs so as the governments, the private sectors and the civil societies.’

Rezaul Hai – Chief Executive, CIE Global

‘If we follow up on our commitments and work towards the goals we have set ourselves, this vision will bear fruit.’

Arne Carlsen – Director, UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning

The Conference’s delegates and speakers – who included ministers, vice-ministers, mayors, vice-mayors and representatives of international organisations, national governments, cities, non-governmental organisations, private-sector organisations and youth representatives – stressed the importance of creating a sustainable future for learning cities. The recently adopted 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and the role that learning cities can play in achieving its goals, were therefore major topics of discussion.





UNESCO is responsible for coordinating international cooperation in education, science, culture and communication. It strengthens the ties between nations and societies, and mobilizes the wider public so that each child and citizen:

• has access to quality education; a basic human right and an indispensable prerequisite for sustainable development;

• may grow and live in a cultural environment rich in diversity and dialogue, where heritage serves as a bridge between generations and peoples;

• can fully benefit from scientific advances;

• and can enjoy full freedom of expression; the basis of democracy, development and human dignity.



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